Man Uses Electric Fly Swatter to Create...
- This is something the remaining mosquitos will talk...
Media videos
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Brazilian Mayor Advertises New Ambulances by Being Hit...
- As Mayor, it can be difficult to put into words just...
Human Hamster Wheel Ends Exactly How You’d Expect
- That was predictable.
Police Boat Capsizes After Getting Clothes-Lined by...
- Bet you never thought you’d see a boat do a backflip!
65-Year-Old Jackie Chan Stuntman Throws Himself Down...
- Remember that scene in John Wick? It’s kinda like...
Cop Whacks Dude With Riot Shield As Many Times As He...
- I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there are riots...
Kim Jong Un Crashed a Boat Into a Tree
- If I were the boat driver, I’d probably get my...
Watch the Olympic Mascot Fall on His Stupid Face
- The Olympics has a history of choosing stupid mascots.
Man Runs Into Glass Door in the Funniest Way Possible
- Maybe we just can’t handle glass doors.
British Dude Gets a Brick to the Balls
- Right in the tea bags!
Motorcyclist Hit By Car Does Front Flip and Sticks the...
- Maybe the key to motorcycle safety isn’t only a...
Concert Interrupted by Golf Cart Crashing Into Drummer
- It’s like a stage dive, but in reverse and using a...
Man Sets World Record For Most Cans Smashed With His...
- So *that’s* where all the beer went.
Romantic Date on Seesaw Ends with the Boyfriend...
- Nothing beats a simple date.
People in San Diego Keep Getting Adorably Attacked by...
- In some languages, sea lions are referred to as the...
Stripper Tumbles from the Top of the Pole, Dances It...
- Talk about going with the flow.
Kid Lights Firework in a Bus and Ruins Everyone’s Day
- C’mon, some of us are just trying to get to work.
Watch This Man Accidentally Knock His House Down
- You’ve gotta be careful when doing demolition.
Fight Breaks Out After Woman Gets Accused of Drinking...
- If you take the last beer, you’ve gotta replace them.
Woman Seeks World Peace by Getting Hit in the Head...
- Will this bring about world peace?
Cyclist Gets Rinsed By Pole
- Cycling in New York City is only for those with a...
Passenger Says United Airlines Has an "Attitude...
- Flight attendants should be required to wear bodycams.
'Enjoy the Broken Ankle': Karen Attempts to Stop...
- Foot vs. motorcycle has never ended well for foot.
Reds Fan Runs on Field, Does Flip and Gets Tased
- Baseball is back (some say it never left).
Man Thinks He and His High School Girlfriend Are Still...
- Ah, young love.
Daytona 500 Parking Lot Brawl Ends in Bloody Noses
- Though NASCAR superfans may have traveled...
Beekeeper Gets Stung in the Butt
- We all love honey, but what it takes to...
Windsurfer Gets Body-Slammed By Whale and Dragged...
- Nature is fighting back and so far, we humans are...
‘Give That Man a Raise’: Phillies Fan Speared Into...
- One crazed fan decided to lean into Philadelphians’...
'Body Parts Flying Everywhere': Praying Mantis and...
- Nature once again, proves that it's metal as ----.
Furries Beat the Crap Out of Man Filming Them on the...
- "There’s just way too much to unpack here,"...
Guy Breaks World Record For Most Pine Boards Broken...
- Zac "The Horse" Gordon has made a career out of having...
Biker Has an Unfortunate Accident With Million to One...
- With little to no time to react, the biker ends up...
UPS Driver Takes a Tumble During Delivery and Asks...
- He even left a little note on the delivery slip...
Man Brutally Attacking Someone Gets Absolutely Leveled...
- Move over Goldberg and Roman Reigns, there's a new...
Women Trying to Win $100 Get Absolutely Rekt by the...
- You mess with the bull you get the horns. The real...
Kid On the Field Gets Absolutely Smoked by Ball During...
- Next year, can we please get the kids off the field?
July 5th Is a Hand Surgeon's Least Favorite Day of the...
- "There's only one day that strikes fear into the...
LAPD Volunteer Officer Responds to Bee Swarm, Gets...
- "Family is asking please not to send flowers,"...
Clueless Weightlifter Nearly Decapitates Himself
- When you don't know what you're doing in the gym and...
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