Hilarious Medieval Trials Showing People Were Just...
- Trials in the Middle Ages were incredibly weird.
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39 Witch Doctors Your Health Insurance Doesn't Cover
- Witch doctors are a really fascinating, cool, and...
22 Classic Halloween Witches That Are Easy On the Eyes
- These ladies walked so our favorite Instagram baddies...
Petty Shakira Trolls Her Ex's Mom With a Witch Doll...
- Prior to calling it quits last summer, Shakira and...
What in the Heck is This Strange Alien Like Creature?
- A strange creature that was tall, very thing, naked,...
25 Times Actors Botched Their Accents In TV and Film
- At its core, acting is all about pretending to be...
Karen's Magical Powers Fail to Stop a Police Taser
- During a confrontation with Police, this Karen...
Entitled Witch Thinks She Can Get Flowers For Free On...
- This florist leaves her fuming, her husband should...
Witch Hoping To Curse Justice Kavanaugh Speaks Out
- A coven of 'Witches' gathers in Brooklyn, New York to...
What This Guy Found In His Landlady's Backyard Will...
- An unexpected find during garden leads to more...
Witch Caught On Camera In Saudi Arabia
- Two Saudi police officers come across a mysterious...
16 Historical "Facts" That Are Totally False
- This gallery is like a sacred cow slaughterhouse.
Screw Iron Man, This is Fire Man
- He's a witch, we must burn him!
Halloween Romance
- Original Halloween cartoon artwork from ugdork. Happy...
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