Road Raging Idiot Uses Parking Lane And Gets Instant...
- That's why the rest of us sit in traffic idiot.
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Rude Lady Gets A Dose Of Instant Karma
- Don't trip, she had it coming.
Road Rager Gets Instant Karma After Cutting Off...
- Bad boys, bad boys, watcha gonna do!?
Tailgater Gets a Dose of Instant Karma
- When a brake check works waaaaay better than expected.
Instant Karma For Bottle Breaking Punk
- Now clean up that mess too!
27 Jerks Who Got Served Instant Karma
- These jerks got what they had coming to them.
DMCA - Road Rager Gets Some Instant Karma
- Watch your head!
Idiot On 4-Wheeler Hits A Car Head On
- It's all fun and games until someone gets hit by a car.
Girl Gets A Dose of Karma For Being Ungrateful
- Christmas karma is definitely a thing.
Girl Gets A Dose of Karma For Being Ungrateful
- Christmas karma is definitely a thing.
Instant Karma For Impatient Idiot
- How can anyone be so oblivious?
Douche Gets Instant Karma After Calling Woman A Slut
- An angry feminist in the background delivers some...
How To Prank A Bike Thief
- Bicycle thieves getting owned!
Old Brother Gets A Taste Of Instant Karma
- "You're stupid!" Yeah, look who's talking!
10 Stupid Criminals That Got Caught
- We never hear about the smart criminals...
9 Cheaters Served Instant Karma
- Ultra satisfying stories of cheaters who got busted!
Road Raging Biker Gets Instant Karma
- An angry biker gets more than he bargained for when...
Kid 'Steals' His Stolen Bike Back From Thief
- He finds his bike being sold on craigslist and hatches...
Veterinarian Gets Instant Karma
- When trying to shoot a rubber glove backfires.
16 Random Pics to Make You Smile
- Don't quit now! The internet isn't finished yet!
Cutting Railroad Track Can Be Dangerous
- A worker cutting through the track gets bitch-slapped...
Craigslist iPhone Scammer Gets Caught Red-Handed
- He gets caught selling stolen phones and is given two...
Motorcycle Thief Gets A Double Serving Of Instant...
- A thief is chased down and wrecked by the bike's...
Motorcycle Thief Gets A Double Serving Of Instant...
- A thief is chased down and wrecked by the bike's...
Rude Cyclist Gets Instant Karma
- Karma in action after a cyclist cuts into traffic and...
Biker's Swift Justice For Reckless Driver
- Instant karma is served via headbutt!
13 Times Instant Karma Was Served
- If you deserve it, it's gonna get you.
Mean Cat Owner Gets Instant Karma
- You piss this cat off, and he'll get you back.
15 Ways To Get Revenge On A Jerk
- There's nothing wrong with helping karma out a...
Instant Karma GIFs That'll Make Your Day
- 23 people getting exactly what they deserve.
20 Lying Cheaters Exposed on Facebook
- If you're going to cheat, know that this could be you.
20 Cases Karma Being a Real B**ch
- How do you prefer your Karma? Instant, or slow and...
Perfect Example Of "Don't Laugh, It Could Happen To...
- His dog slipped on ice and he laughed, but quickly...
Instant Karma For Ejected Hockey Player
- An ejected player accidentally clotheslines himself...
Instant Karma For Idiot Road Rage Driver
- This moron needs to go back to Driver's Ed.
29 Perfect Cases Of Karma
- These people who really had it coming. And then it...
Thief Receives Some Bus Driver Justice
- After a botched robbery, this guy gets owned by the...
19 Times Karma Was Instantly Served
- GIFs of people getting a taste of instant payback.
Bad Parkers Get A Swift Visit From Karma
- If you're inconsiderate and park like this, you...
Bad Parkers Get A Swift Visit From Karma
- If you're inconsiderate and park like this, you...
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