Cops Robbers!
- Rob flees from Chad and Matt after stealing a diamond.
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Near Darwin Winner
- This has to be one of the most moronic things you can...
Girl Shoots Gun
- A girl who can't weigh over a hundred pounds tries to...
Weapons As Art and Furniture
- See these weapons in a whole new light.
Chicks With Guns
- Check out these hotties with some nice weapons.
Dramatic 911 Call (Killings on Tape)
- This 911 call, from a couple of weeks ago in Texas,...
Girl Learns To Shoot
- Someone could have at least shown her how to hold it...
The Back Up
- Don't go to bed without it!
Idiot With Gun
- This guy gets my vote for father of the year.
Weapons of War
- Some of the best guns from different periods of time.
Spoiled Brat
- What's worse than spoiled rich girls? Spoiled rich...
Gold Guns
- These Ak47's need to be in tight lock down!
Rookie Shooting Howitzer
- This guy probably got a new nickname for his rookie...
Security BB Gun
- This guy has rigged a camera and a BB gun to work...
Virginia Tech Shooting Footage
- Some cell phone footage from the horrific shooting...
- Derrick Comedy is back, this time showing us a world...
Attempted Assassination
- The video from the attempted assassination of Prince...
Massive Recoil
- People are thrown across the room by the recoil of the...
Spud Cannon
- This is one of the most impressive spud cannons we've...
Paintball Gun Idiot
- This guy gets his eye poked by the barrel of his gun...
Gun Kick
- A .50 caliber handgun kicks violently out of a mans...
Paintball Accuracy
- This guy shows off amazing accuracy with his paintball...
Shot in Head
- How can you get shot in the head and not know it?!?
Air Cannon Shot
- This guy gets hit in the worst possible place by a...
BB Shootup
- This BB Gun firing squad completely destroys a...
Owned By Gun
- The recoil from a gun puts this girl on her back.
Statue Taken Out
- This had to be a lot of fun.
- This is your captain speaking.
- I think this cop needs a little bit more training.
DEA Class
- Classic: DO NOT bring loaded weapon to gun safety...
Speed Shooter
- Extremely fast shooter.
Insane Machine Gun
- MUST SEE! This thing is just amazing.
Bazooka Shot
- Maybe it's his first time?
Cell Phone Gun
- Yet another thing to worry about.
eBaum's Picks