China’s Live-Streaming Wig Salesmen Are Out of This...
- I’ll take the lot!
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Dude Being Chased by Cop Car Gets Away Using Super...
- Two can play at this game!
Kid Gets Into Elevator, Takes a Piss All Over the...
- Kids: you gotta love ‘em.
Crow Exacts Revenge on Boy With Scooter
- Leave him alone — he’s just a boy!
Woman Hits Car, Does Not Handle Being Asked for Her...
- If you can’t pay for the crime, well, don’t do it.
Watch a Bunch of Bowlers Forget to Let Go of the Ball
- Rule #1 of bowling: let go of the damn ball.
Vintage Prank Show Has Men Facing Off Against Their...
- It really was a different time.
China’s Pigeon Auctions Are Next Level
- For most of us in the west, pigeons are nothing more...
We’ve Just Witnessed the First Ever Flop on a Free...
- If you’re a basketball player, you’ve gotta have...
32 Hilarious Tweets Reacting to News Ellen DeGeneres...
- Ellen DeGeneres had fled the United States.
55 Hilariously Bad Design Fails and Production Mishaps...
- A gentle reminder that design isn’t always about...
Dude Somehow Doesn’t Realize He’s Dragging a...
- That’s really not how you do that.
‘Wet Jeans’ Fetishists Want to Get You Into the...
- But it’ll ruin the raw denim!
This Micro Apartment Shows Our Future, and It’s...
- Nothing like waking up to the smell of the toilet!
Dude Rates Garbage Trucks Based on How Good They Are...
- Everything is automated these days.
Woman Tries to Knock Dish Out of Man’s Hand, Gets It...
- Less of a food fight and more of a food facepalm.
22 Vintage Ads and Headlines Should Be Illegal To Read
- Do you still beat your wife? We sure hope not!
Shoe Salesmen Explain How Far They Have to Go to Stop...
- If you’ve tried to buy a concert ticket in the past...
Woman Fixes Her Lactose Intolerance by Chugging...
- It worked, at least.
Cop Eats It While Slowly Chasing After Suspect
- He almost had him!
Streaker Gets Attacked by Lacrosse Players
- Save it for the locker room!
Hostel Installs Tattoo Gun You Can Only Rent If...
- It’s terrible — I love it!
Amusement Park Riders Get Stuck in the Air for Hours
- Yet another reason to not go to a place called...
Man Testing Out Cheap Parachutes Has Balls of Steel
- Looks like skydiving isn’t a budget-friendly...
‘Golf Cart Parade’ Ends in Old People Crashing...
- And you *know* that they were all hammered.
Dude Gets Kicked in the Head During Fight Over...
- It’s the most athletic thing ever seen on a...
Remembering the Time a Woman Got Helivac’d Into...
- You hear that? That’s the sound of lawsuit money...
Ape Slides Up to Camera Just to Show His Ass
- Everyone’s showing their behind to the camera these...
Woman Learns Why You Don’t Shoot Fireworks From Your...
- On the street? Fun. Out the window? Not so much.
Skaters Try to Bomb Hill, Fall Like Dominoes
- Once it started, there was just no stopping it.
Woman Gets Smacked by an Elephant
- That’s gonna leave a bruise!
Guy At Funeral Drops His Vape Pen Right on the Casket
- It’s what he would have wanted—on second thought,...
‘Bear Attack’ on Rolls-Royce Was Just a Man in a...
- For the amount of effort this took, you could have...
Not a Single One of These Parachuters Makes a Smooth...
- I get that it’s difficult, but can’t *one* of you...
Woman Climbs All Over Power Equipment, Knocks Out...
- Break out the candles!
Stevie Wonder Told Carmelo Anthony He ‘Loved...
- Sigh… Here we go again.
Mike Tyson Puts Fear of God in Child as He Talks About...
- You want to lighten it up a bit for the kid, Mike?
TikTokers Are Now Throwing Slices of Cheese at...
- If you were hit with a slice of cheese recently,...
Driver Slams Into Woman in Crosswalk on Her Phone
- Crossing the street boring ahh hell.
Man Knocking Over Motorbike Gets a Kick to the Skull
- Yet another reason to wear a helmet.
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