‘Bear Attack’ on Rolls-Royce Was Just a Man in a...
- For the amount of effort this took, you could have...
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Flight Sim Obsessive Creates World’s Dumbest Planes
- Coming soon from Boeing!
Motorcyclist Hits Median, Goes Flying Into Truck
- Some see road obstacles as a challenge.
Cop Gets Firework Straight to the Dick
- A bottle rocket right to the Roman Candle!
36 Photos of What Walt Disney World Looked Like in the...
- On October 1st, 1971, Walt Disney World opened its...
Kids Are Fully Brain Rotted by Cocomelon
- The kids aren’t alright.
Garbage Truck Explodes, Rains Trash on Neighborhood
- A shower that will make you take a shower.
50 High-Brow and Low-Brow Eyebrows to Raise Your Own
- Eyebrows are strange little details of the human face.
Russian Workers Try to Block Road, But Drivers Don’t...
- If you weren’t convinced by the dash cam videos,...
Dude Somehow Doesn’t Realize He’s Dragging a...
- That’s really not how you do that.
42 Old Ladies Armed to the Dentures
- These silver-haired soldiers are armed with hot lead,...
Watch a Bunch of Penguins Fall Over
- Hahaha, suckers!
Mormon Missionary Defeats Local Salvadorans in a...
- Talk about embracing local customs!
17 Pics Reminding You Why Deep Frying a Turkey Can...
- I'm no chef, but if I can offer one word of advice...
China’s Pigeon Auctions Are Next Level
- For most of us in the west, pigeons are nothing more...
Are You a ‘Starseed’? Here’s Supposedly How to...
- Everyone wants to be special.
Teen Taking Driver’s Test Accidentally Drives...
- So… they’re not getting their license, right?
Ape Slides Up to Camera Just to Show His Ass
- Everyone’s showing their behind to the camera these...
Hilarious Medieval Trials Showing People Were Just...
- Trials in the Middle Ages were incredibly weird.
Watch Dudes Fall Over Each Other to Try to Catch...
- You guys know you can just buy cheese at the store,...
Here’s What Rocket League Looks Like in Real Life
- It doesn’t really work as well as it does in the...
Drunk Woman Crashes Directly Into Someone’s House
- She’s in for one hell of a hangover.
Church Drummer Gets Sign from God to Stop
- The message came down from on high that you suck.
Delivery Robot Gets Nervous, Holds Up Massive Lane of...
- It’s okay, little buddy — just get your ass out of...
Bro Throws Up After Dirty Bong Rip
- This is why you change your bong water, kids.
Woman Climbs All Over Power Equipment, Knocks Out...
- Break out the candles!
Man Tries to Rob Store, Gets Too Startled to Finish
- Listen, I get it.
‘Wet Jeans’ Fetishists Want to Get You Into the...
- But it’ll ruin the raw denim!
Former Apple Worker Recalls What It Was Like to Work...
- If you’ve had an iPhone for a while, you surely...
Driver Gets Her Pedals Mixed Up and Slams Into Cafe
- Okay, time to take the license.
40 Creepy Pics to Send a Shiver Down Your Spine
- Life on earth can be a beautiful, amazing thing. But...
26 People From 2007 Who Regretted Going to Hot Topic
- No one looked cool in 2007.
Car Does Wild 360 on Wet Road, But Somehow Ends Up...
- He definitely got lucky.
Stevie Wonder Told Carmelo Anthony He ‘Loved...
- Sigh… Here we go again.
German Island Announces It Will No Longer Hit Women on...
- Hey, good for them.
Dude Narrowly Avoids Siberian Tiger Attack
- We’re pretty lucky that we don’t have to deal with...
50 Luchadores Going About Their Everyday Lives
- Luchadores are the real-life superheroes of Mexico.
Ford Truck Driver in Drive-Thru Really Can’t Admit...
- I’m going to guess that car’s seen more...
Kids Very Nearly Get Hit by Passing Truck
- Tell your kids to hold on tighter!
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