
26 Crazy Things Lyft Drivers Have Found in Their Cars

Driving for a ride-share app is a great way to make a chunk of cash on the side, or even full-time. But it's not for the faint of heart. No matter what someone's 4.8-star passenger rating might indicate, there are some crazy people in this world, and they take Lyft and Uber too.

The "leaving something important in the back of a Taxi" rom-com trope is also applicable to ride shares, it's just that those "important things" aren't exactly what you're imagining. The Lyft drivers subreddit is full of drivers sharing images of the weird and wacky things passengers have left in the back seat. Sure Ann Hathaway's fashion portfolio is important to Meryl Streep, but so is one lady's pregnancy test. (Congratulations, you're not going to be a mom, now get that thing off of some poor river's back seat.)

Across Uber and Lyft passengers left plenty of drugs, weaponry, pets, toys, and bodily fluids. Perhaps the only item that was welcomed by the drivers was money... up to a certain point. When one passenger left a paper bag filled with thousands of cold hard bands, the driver had little choice but to hand it straight in. I've seen enough movies to know that's how you end up in a bad situation. From the Lyft and Uber driver subreddits, here are 26 of the craziest things rideshare driver have found in their cars. 

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